Sunday, April 27, 2008

Mr. Jimmy's meatloaf sammich

Last night, Mr. Jimmy sent me a picture of the sammich he ate for dinner. Here 'tis:

This's how Mr. Jimmy described his sammich:

"[W]hole grain white bread, Duke's mayo, ketchup, fried yeller onions, dash of hot sauce and a slice of meatloaf from the Belmont BiRite. Onions and meatloaf sizzled together for about 10 mins! I don't mind telling you, I just looked at it for a while before eating it. [D]ang, I'm feelin goood."

Mr. Jimmy keeps telling me that I need to get me some meatloaf from the Belmont Bi-Rite. I wanna do just that, but I think I wanna go to MJ's maison for a meatloaf, mayo, and onions sammich more!

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