Sometime during Summer 2001, I spied Duke's-brand mayonnaise in a Nashville-area Albertson's grocery store (Albertson's is no longer doing business in Tennessee). I remember thinking, "I've never seen that before," and I moved on to look for whatever I was looking for on the mayo 'n' sich aisle.
Not two weeks later, a co-worker and I were having a conversation about homegrown tomatoes. Said co-worker told me that he loved tomato sandwiches with black pepper and -- Duke's mayo! "What's so great about Duke's?" I asked. My Duke's-loving ami said, and I'm paraphrasing, "It's the best *@#&$! mayonnaise on the !$@* planet!"
Having great confidence in my co-worker's tastes, I purchased a small jar of Duke's when next I found myself in Albertson's. It took me a good two weeks to do so, but I finally placed a dollop of Duke's on a sandwich I'd toted to work. As soon as my tongue was introduced to Duke's mayo, I said to myself, "Duke's IS the best *@#&$! mayonnaise on the !$@* planet!" Hell, I may've even said such out loud.
At this point, I'm sure men who've gotta eat wanna know what's so all-fired great about Duke's Mayonnaise. Well, I'll tell you:
Most store-bought mayos have a common problem: a tangy, vinegary taste that overwhelms foodstuffs on which or in which they've been placed. Duke's mayo ain't like that. Indeed, Duke's has a rich, creamy flavor with not a hint of "tang"; and Duke's enhances flavors in much the same way as heavy cream enhances sauces. That is, Duke's incorporates into foods, instead of being something that garnishes food.
I have six years of Duke's-eatin' experience under, er, over my belt; and I reckon that I've placed Duke's on many dozens of sandwiches and in dozens of bowls of tater salad. Thus, I consider myself a Duke's expert -- and then some. Believe me when I say (and I say it a lot):
Duke's ... is ... the ... best ... mayo ... ever! And it's Southern-made, to boot!
(In Nashville, look for Duke's mayo at your local Publix or Food Lion.)
I am working on a research project on mayonnaise ingredients and I cannot find a list of ingredients for Duke's Low Fat Mayo. Can you help me?
"I am working on a research project on mayonnaise ingredients and I cannot find a list of ingredients for Duke's Low Fat Mayo. Can you help me?"
I can't tell you 'bout Duke's low fat variety (I've never tried it), but I can flat tell you what ingredients are in regular Duke's ... I bought a new jar just today. To wit:
Soybean oil, eggs, water, distilled and cider vinegar, salt, paprika, natural flavors, and calcium disodium (to protect flavor).
Hope that helps ...
Thank you, but I need Duke's light and low fat mayo. The light has a blue label and the low fat has a red label. I don't know if the light and low fat are distributed differently than the regular. Or mayo they do not even make it anymore.
Please send us some coupons in the mail please and thank you very much.
Eleanor Blevins
284 Crawford W Long St Apt 220A
Danielsville,Ga 30633
heh heh -
hillz-ey needs to contact Duke's, Eleanor, you need to contact the mother ship.
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