Friday, April 04, 2008

Hot dogs don't need no garlic-water 'round here

According to Tyler Florence, you should boil hot dogs in a pot with a clove of garlic before grillin' ... "to taste."

I got news for Chef Florence: Nathan's Kosher Beef Franks

don't need to be soaked in no garlic water to be good.

All a quality Nathan's hot dog needs to be to be considered first-class is to be quick-boiled (in clear water)/grilled, placed on a quality bun, and topped with oninons and mustard.

Hot dogs boiled in garlic water ...

Gimme a break!

1 comment:

michael, claudia and sierra said...

i'd love for you to try the boars head all beef dogs.
they sell them at publix

i grew up on hebrew national but i think that the boars head are superior. nathans are more of a bologna dog - also good just a different kinda thing. i like the crunchy kind better.