Friday, April 18, 2008

Happy Passover

'Bout three years ago, I took part in a Seder dinner at the home of a Jewish friend. I was much awed by the solemnity of the ritual, but the meal itself didn't impress me much. (I did, however, go home with a box of matzo crackers that was bigger than a car battery!)

According to the guys at, Seder food don't have to be all bitter and bland and boring:

"I know I don't have much knowledge of Jewish rituals, but I've heard a lot of grumbling about how Passover or Seder dinner food could be more satisfying. That may not be the case if your ancestors are Sephardic Jews, those who came from Mediterranean countries. The food is full of spice and aroma, or so says the author of a new cookbook on the subject."

I just hope that next time I participate in a Passover dinner, I'm in the home of Sephardic or Mediterranean Jews, indeed!


Anonymous said...

I really liked you until I you told us that you are a jew.

Joltin' Django said...

Until now, you've always had insightful things to say whenever you posted on my political and foodie blogs. It saddens me to learn that you are an anti-Semite at heart.

I'm not Jewish, my friend, and I don't think I've ever claimed to be such in any posting on this Web site. That said, I have a deep appreciation for Judaism and American Jewish culture (witness the 27-volume "Babylonyian Talmud" in my library and the Nathan's kosher hot dogs in my freezer). That said, what I DO NOT have an appreciation for are Jew-haters like you.

Piss off, Jeff K. And don't waste your time submitting comments in the future. They will NOT be posted.