Thursday, April 10, 2008

Croak-ette this!

My next door neighbor, Eddie, works long - and I mean long - hours.

Storm clouds were brewing all day today, so the first thing I did upon arriving home this evening was mow my yard.

Eddie's yard was lookin' all long and green, too, so I clipped it since I had my lawnmower out.

'Bout 30 minutes after mowing Eddie's yard, he brought me and mine a very large plate of salmon croquettes and fried potatoes:

Oh, what a meal it was -- especially since I consumed about a half-cup of Tabasco whilst eating said meal. (Copious quantities of Tabasco - sprinkled or sipped - do any and all prepared foodstuffs a great deal of good, indeed.)

That said ... I'm gonna get Eddie's recipe for salmon croquettes, like'n the salmon croquettes he give me tonight, and I'll be postin' it soon.

Stay tuned.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

what is the diameter of your heart arterties? .0001 inches??? you need to slow down dude.