Now, my grill ain't a Hank Hill-style gas grill, i.e., a propane grill; instead, it's hooked up to the local natural gas line. So it is - and always will be - a permanent fixture in my backyard.
I've been having some problems with my grill recently. It'll pre-heat just fine, but then it will go out completely. Since homey don't play around with gas line, homey gets real nervous when he has to keep re-lighting his grill.
I had a pork loin that either needed to be cooked or frozen, so I decided to throw it on the grill tonight. Of course, the grill went out. I decided to just throw the pork loin on the grill and see how cooked-through it would be after about, oh, 30 minutes.
I pre-heated my oven to 300 before I fetched my pork loin from the grill. I fully anticipated - nay, I expected - that it would need some extra cookin' before it could be served. How wrong I was.
There's been a lot of pork products to come off of my grill over the years. The pork loin I cooked tonight is one of the best things -- if not the best thing -- I've ever cooked in my backyard. Not only did it develop an incredible crust whilst slow-cooking for a half-hour, it had juice to spare after it'd rested for 10 minutes.
I bet you wish that you'd been at Chez Joltin' Django to get you some of this:

That looks juicy! And I do wish I had been there to eat!
did you put any con-dee-ments on it?
"did you put any con-dee-ments on it?"
No, no I did not.
An über-juicy loin of meat needs no sauces of any kind, indeed.
steak and a cigar I say...
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