Monday, May 26, 2008

I ♥ cabbage soup

Inspired by my recent visit to Tatry Polish Restaurant, I cooked up a pot of cabbage soup this evening. Here's how I did it ...

Joltin' Django's Cabbage Soup


8 slices lean bacon, cut into 1/2-inch pieces
1 cabbage, cored and roughly chopped
1 large white onion, large-diced
5 carrots, pealed and diced
3 potatoes, pealed and large-cubed
1 teaspoon paprika
1 teaspoon dried thyme
2 tablespoons salt
2 tablespoons black pepper
1/2 teaspoon red pepper flakes


Brown bacon over medium heat in a Dutch oven, 6-8 minutes
Add onions and cook until clear
Add cabbage, carrots, and potatoes; stir well and just cover with cold water
Throw in paprika, thyme, salt and pepper
Cover and bring to a boil
Reduce heat to simmer-low and cook for 2 hours

My pot o' cabbage soup was pretty good. Not quite Tatry-good, but pretty damn good nonetheless.


Anonymous said...

dude, that doesnt even look good

Joltin' Django said...

"dude, that doesnt even look good" ...

Methinks I've read that biting comment somewhere(!) before.

My pot of cabbage soup ... it's all gone. Me and mine ate a good portion of it; and, then, the feller who lives next to me took - and ATE - the rest.

Please don't give me no don't-even-look-good **** never again.

Anonymous said...

Looks pretty good to me.