Friday, July 18, 2008

Oh, how I love Nathan's. Oh, how I love Na-than's!

Tain't no secret that I love Nathan's hot dogs (see here and here). Today, I broke down and bought a Nathan's hot dog from the vending machine in my workplace's break room :

First thing I did after purchasing my Nathan's hot dog was separate dog and bun. I put the dog on a plate and put it in the microwave, then I cooked it on medium for one minute. The dog came out the microwave, to be replaced by the bun. I put the microwave on high and cooked the bun for 30 seconds.

I put me some Heinz Piccalilli on my dog; I grabbed me a brought-from-home Coca-Cola from the fridge; and then it was time to eat:

I was not prepared to like a Nathan's hot dog from a vending machine. Indeed, prior to taking the first bite, I was expecting to be incredibly disappointed. Didn't happen.

My hot dog bun wasn't the greatest -- I mean, can a refrigerated bun really be all that great? But the dog - whoa, the dog - was damn good. It not only had the patented Nathan's taste, it had a casing on it (yeah, a casing!). When you bite into a hot dog and it snaps, you know you're eating something special.

So, the verdict on my vending machine-bought Nathan's hot dog is: bun, okay; dog, great.

Oh, and I'll be telling you 'bout that Heinz Piccalilli Pickle real soon!


Anonymous said...

If you like Nathan's you should try Sabbrett's. They are a good NY hot dog and they are hickory smoked.

Terry Baker said...

The Nathan's hot dog eating contest on July 4 put me off hot dogs for a long time.

Anonymous said...

My office has a vending machine and it has candy bars, crackers and potato chips. A Nathans hot dog would be a welcome addition.

Anonymous said...

Sabrett: "The Frankfurter New Yorkers Relish"

As a transplanted New Yorker, the more readily-available-across-the-country Nathan's dogs will do in a pinch. However, once my two feet return to Manhattan for a visit, I beat a path to the first Sabrett's pushcart I see on the corner. There's just no comparison.
Before the days of such heavily restricted carry-on items in flight, I would stock a little Playmate cooler with ice & as many packages of Sabrett's I could fit & bring them back. (Of course, same Playmate cooler with ice would be packed with BBQ from Nashville for the trip to NYC... my family & friends are hooked on the pulled pork.)