It's my understanding that Southern Comfort was Janis Joplin's drink of choice. It's also my understanding that Ms. Joplin consumed Southern Comfort in copious quantities. I think I now know why she developed such a taste for the stuff.
A buddy gave me a big bottle of 100-proof Southern Comfort about a month ago as a way of thanking me for watching his house and collecting his mail while he was out of town. The bottle sat on my bar unmolested until tonight.
After my Italian stir-fry dinner (expect a review one of these days), I poured a half-ounce of Southern Comfort over ice and retired to my easy chair. I placed Death Proof, disc one, into my DVD player, and I raised my highball glass to my lips ...
After the initial 100-proof burn made its way over my tongue and into my belly, I had a revelation: Southern Comfort is one tasty al-kee-holic beverage! It is very - and I mean very - sweet with a complex undertone of whiskey and spices. It tastes very much like a beverage I'd expect to be drinking whilst sitting on a balcony in New Orleans' French Quarter.
I'm not crazy about 100-proof beverages, but the sweetness of Southern Comfort's extra-alcohol beverage sorta lessens, if you will, the high octane burn. That said, I'll probably buy me a bottle of "regular" Southern Comfort before I get anywhere near finishing the bottle I now have. Let's just hope I don't start buying Southern Comfort in Janis Joplin-style, ahem, copious quantities!
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