Yesterday, Mr. Jimmy gave me a big container of his "Camp-Style Beenie Weenies." I heated 'em up and ate 'em tonight, and, Boy Howdy, what a meal ...!
Mr. Jimmy's bean-dish had big sausage chunks and lots o' onions it, and it came in a delicious red sauce. (It looked like ketchup; it tasted (kinda) like ketchup; but, brother, it wasn't ketchup!) Oh, and it had just -- and I mean just -- enough heat to get a feller's tongue tinglin'. (I needed more tongue-tinglin' so I added me some additional hot sauce.)
If Mr. Jimmy wants to be a peach of a feller, perhaps he'll give us his recipe for camp-style beans.
Recipe? It's camp style. You take a skillet, tear up some bacon strips, slice up some hot dogs (I used Nathan's in your honor - BiRite didn't have any Hebrew National); slice up some onion and let it all sizzle until it's done and let it sizzle until everything gets kinda crusty. And while all that's going on you mix up some tomato paste with some water, I put in some Sauer's BBQ sauce to tang it up a bit, a little black pepper, some honey and brown sugar. The heat came from about a tablespoon of Dave's Insanely Hot Sauce. Then stirred that in. Oh yeah, I put a spoon or two of yellow mustard and spicy brown mustard. I think that's it. Then I put the whole mess in a crock pot and let it simmer for a couple of hours, then put it in the 'fridg' to settle in. If I were going to serve it up right away I'd have left out the crock pot step and just dished it up outta the skillet! I'm working on CAMP STYLE SKILLET 'SKETTI NOW!
Is this really what the internet has devolved into? Friend gave me beans, i put sauce on beans and then ate beans.
Wow. Alert the media. Everyone's got to know about this.
Is this really what the internet has devolved into? Friend gave me beans, i put sauce on beans and then ate beans.
Wow. Alert the media. Everyone's got to know about this.First of all, it's "Internet," genius. Second, what the fuck are you doing here if you don't want to hear about what this man who's gotta eat has to say on a Web site entitled A Man's Gotta Eat?!
Methinks you're just a sniveling little bitch who is looking for every opportunity to, well, bitch.
Suffer no fools, Django.
It's just so.... trashy. Mundane. This website is almost Warholian in its banality.
I look forward to your upcoming web projects, such as A Man's Gotta Take a Shit and Random Junk Mail I Got.
It's just so.... trashy. Mundane. This website is almost Warholian in its banality.And yet you KEEP coming back. You must love me! You must REALLY, REALLY love me!
All kidding aside, you've left your last snarky comment here, you "anonymous" turd. I ain't posting -- and I ain't readin' -- any more of your horseshit. And I put "anonymous" in quotes 'cause you ain't so anonymous to me ... indeed.
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